A Shelf Complete and The Quest for Recommendations


Many of you have asked about the space I had waiting for A Memory of Light since I made such a big to-do about having my Wheel of Time shelf on the bookcase complete.  There didn’t see to be a ton space there, did A Memory of Light fit? Or did it have to be wedge in there like a jeans model?  How does it look now, fully filled out?

Well, as  you can see from the image above, the book fits very nicely, thank you very much.  In fact, I’d say it looks right at home.  Clearly, I’m thinking either Tor Books or the bookshelf manufacturer must have had me in mind all along.

Now I just need to figure out what to do with myself.

It’s time to start working on a new series, I think.  Something else to get all tangled up in for years and years, if possible.  So I’d love some recommendations.  As you can also see from the above, I’ve read the Harry Potters and, just like the rest of you, I’m clinging for dear life to George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Fire and Ice (that’s the Game of Thrones book series for those of you who are only fluent in HBO).

So, by all means, let’s talk other series.  Who’s read or is reading one that a middle aged guy like me with little enough free time could get caught up in and stay up way past his bedtime reading?

Of course, lest you all think I’m a taker and not a producer, I’ll start the recommending myself.  I’m a big fan of Peter V. Brett’s epic fantasy series, the Demon Cycle .  The third book of which, The Daylight War, is due out just about any day now (Feb. 4th, I believe).  I’ll warn you that it’s touch of grit not always found in your average fantasy series, but the premise is original, and the characters are well-drawn.  They’re full of personality and have both the right touch of heroism as well as a complement of human flaws that make them real.  I’ve enjoyed the series so far, maybe you will too.

Now, then, it’s your turn.  Tell me what I should read next.

Speak now or, well, you can probably leave a comment later, too I guess.


19 thoughts on “A Shelf Complete and The Quest for Recommendations

  1. Tad Williams’ Otherland series -or- Stephen Donaldson’s Gap series -or- Patrick Rothfuss’ The Kingkiller Chronicle… (I’ll bet you’ve already read Rothfuss though… if not – if you read the first two, just know we are in for a long wait for the third!)


    1. D’oh! I should have mentioned Rothfuss in the post. Yes, I’ve definitely read the Kingkiller Chronicle, or at least as much of it as he’s published so far. The first one was awesome, the second was good but I wasn’t quite so enthralled with it. I’m looking forward to the third, though! Someone else rec’d the Gap series, I think. I’ll have to look into both of those. Thanks!


  2. I bought it 2 nights ago and I am half way through. I would be done with it, but my mom went to the hospital last night. I rarely write reviews, but this one might demand it!


    1. Firstly, I hope all is well with your mother. Hospitals are no fun, especially for a loved one!

      Secondly, I’m glad you’re enjoying the it. If you do end up writing a review, by all means, let me know. I’d love to hear what you thought. Thanks!


      1. Thank you for the thoughtful comment on my mom, especially to a random blogger. That is very kind and I am sure there is someone above that appreciates it as well. I will be writing a review soon, but it won’t be a spoiler, it will probably be a culmination of my emotions of having waited so long for the end of the story (as you have mentioned in a previous post) and how I now MOVE ON from it. I will say that I have a quirky nature in that I reread books over and over, I have read some of Robert Jordan’s books literally over a thousand times.


  3. One additional note, I am not sure if it is my PC’s format, but this page was kind of hard to read because of the dark background and lightly colored font. Just a note.


    1. That’s very strange. The theme for my blog should be white with a black font. Please let me know if you see the same thing again. Thanks!


      1. That is weird, my computer shows your theme as a black background with white font heh. Interesting. Maybe it is a portrayal of the evil in my soul!


  4. I saw this on Amazon and wondered if you would like it. BIRTHRIGHT: BOOK ONE in the SHEPHERD’S MOON SAGA by J. ANNE FULLERTON


  5. I feel your pain with George’s books…trying so hard to hang on to the series. Although she doesn’t write a series, I would highly recommend Gillian Flynn’s novels, particularly “Gone Girl”. It’s a real psychological thriller with twists and turns at every corner….it’s a nice break from other books and Flynn’s artistic writing is a breath of fresh air in the world of Stephanie Meyers.

    p.s. how does it feel to be Mr. famous! Congrats on being freshly pressed! [=


    1. A Dance with Dragons, honestly, had me questioning whether some epic fantasy series were perhaps too epic. Somewhat out of character, I actually started a discussion about it on goodreads, believe it or not. My fingers are crossed that Winds of Winter affirms my faith.

      I am going to have to read Gone Girl. The Puddinette just read it, starting with a nook free sample. She couldn’t put it down after that, and that’s not a frequent thing with her. I’m looking forward to it.

      And thanks! I don’t know about that Mr. Famous business, but I will say I find myself worrying a bit more over post the past few days. You know, making sure I’m not writing sentences that accidentally include the wrong “your/you’re” or “their/they’re/there” and trying to avoid the random reference to flying monkey excrement. 🙂


  6. Ok… I have to digest, but I am not sure I was particularly pleased with the ending to this book… I will have to reread it a few times, will take me a couple weeks. I loved the majority of the book and perhaps it is some type of “depression that it is ended” that makes me dislike the ending… not sure yet. I am confused and tired from losing sleep due to the book, I shall recoup and revisit this topic soon. =\


    1. It certainly isn’t a perfect ending, but after fourteen books and millions of words, I’m not sure it could have been perfect. The expectations were massive. There certainly are things I’d like to have gone differently, and others I want to have explained (which probably never will be). All in all, though, I thought that, imperfect as it is, it was a fitting ending for the a beloved series. That said, definitely not everyone is as content with it as I was. I’ve read from a lot of people that they thought is was “meh” at best. But I suppose that’s the wonder of books, right? Everything’s pretty subjective. 🙂


  7. While not epic, I’d recommend Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games series. This is why:

    I read them before the movie came out and the series got super hyped up. While in the library searching for the first book, I couldn’t find it and finally had to ask someone where they were – were they all checked out? No..I was just in the wrong section. I was looking in the adult fiction section and they were in YA. Oh, crap, I thought. I didn’t want to read a YA novel..I thought this series was supposed to be mind-blowing! (Not that I’m snooty about YA, just sayin.) So I checked it out, and OMG.

    The last book in the series is the only book that I can remember finishing in 24 hours. And when the last words were read, I cried. I’d never done that before either. The books are emotionally gripping and the ending is so realistic and not fru-fru happily-ever-after. Just amazing. My world was rocked for a couple days after that.

    Sorry for the uber-long blurb about a single trilogy, but anyone who has only seen the movie is seriously short-changing themselves! 🙂


    1. Thanks for the recommendation! I’ve actually read The Hunger Games, and like you, I didn’t realize it was YA when I started it. I enjoyed it enough, although I was a little taken aback/disappointed with the ending. I haven’t gotten to Catching Fire yet, but obviously need to before the movie comes out. I’ll let you know what I think then I finish them!


      1. The reactions I’ve heard and read are quite varied across the board, especially after reading the series in its entirety. The ending of The Hunger Games does seem like a bit of a cop-out, but it really isn’t once you delve into the rest. =)

        A LOT of people didn’t like the ending of Mockingjay. Like I said previously, personally I enjoyed the reality of it. Good luck!


  8. It’s not high fantasy per se, but I’d recommend Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel by Susanna Clarke.


    1. Thanks for the recommendation. I hadn’t heard of that one before, but based on your suggestion and the hook blurb, I’m definitely going to add it to my to-be-read list. Thanks again, I’ll be sure to let you know what I think!


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