In Search Of A Few Good Readers

I don’t know how many of you follow the various social media accounts or the blog for my occasionally word-smithing alter-ego, JR Andrews, but he, which is to say, I, have news about book-related things! Now, admittedly, these things have been a long time coming, but it’s all very exciting stuff and, well, this Andrews bloke seems to have quite a bit lined up for the next few months.

The TL;DR version of the news is this: JR’s latest book will release one (1) Earth calendar week from today, on October 24th, 2023. The Secret of Commander’s Mansion is a spooky, family-friendly middle grade haunted house adventure, perfect for anyone from eight to 98 (and available now for pre-order!). More about this in a minute.

The news that many of you are waiting for is this: Fury, the sequel to Famine, is going to release in three parts in the beginning of 2024, each one month apart. There will be more news coming as the release dates get closer, but I fully expect Part I to hit in January, with Parts II and III following in February and March, respectively.

Getting back to the future, though, I am in need of a little help. The Amazons and Apple Bookstores of the world really like it when you can get ten or more reviews for a new book as soon as possible during or after release week. So I’d love to give away a handful of pre-release digital versions of The Secret of Commander’s Mansion, free of charge. I’m asking almost nothing in return, only that if you accept the eBook, you also give a good-faith effort to read it by the end of next week, and give it however many stars you believe it earned and/or an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Unfortunately, family is disqualified for the offer (sorry, Mom). For anyone else out there interested in a fun, quick read to get ready for Halloween, I’d love to hear from you. The pre-release copies are available on a first come, first served basis, of course, so readers, drop a comment below or email me at and we’ll make arrangements.

As always, I appreciate all your support, and can’t wait to share these new stories with you!
